2011年11月30日 星期三


而來自法國的Enzo Oddo在十五歲那年完成攀岩生涯中第一條9a+路線

Enzo is the youngest member of our team of climbers. The fifteen-year-old from Nice has already sent several 9a+ routes. This summer, on the 15th of August, he achieved his greatest success with the mythical "Biographie 9+" at Ceuse.

We had the opportunity to meet with Enzo and ask him a few questions about his tick of the summer.
Petzl : What prompted you to try this route?

Enzo : It's one of the rare routes at this grade in France, and of course I'd seen Chris Sharma's video. I wanted to see if I could do it; it's really my style. I made a first attempt on the route in November 2009, but I really didn't have enough reach for the big move... I ate soup all winter and went back, starting on the first weekends in June. A few precious centimeters allowed me to finally get the move. I started working it at the beginning of summer, with a break in mid-July because of my shredded fingers!!! At the end of July, the key hold on the start broke, but I didn't let it get to me. I rested a bit again and went back 5 days later. Actually, I figured out the new boulder move for the start pretty fast. It felt like it would work! And in the end it didn't change the difficulty of the route much.
像這樣困難的路線在法國屈指可數,我當然看過Chris Sharma的紀錄片。我想看看我是否也能做到,這跟我的風格如出一轍。我在2009年11月首次嘗試攀爬這條路線,但在動作較大的部份,我連邊都搆不到。於是我整個冬天都不斷喝湯(補充營養),並在今年六月第一個週末回到這裡。我終於客服那宛如咫尺天涯的幾公分差距並做出特定動作。我自夏初便將心力投注其上,雖然七月中因為手指受傷而休養一陣子。七月底時,路線開頭部分一個重要手點崩落,但我沒因此受傷。稍事休息五天後我又再度上陣。事實上,我很快便找到了新的抱石動作彌補崩落的起攀部分,而事後也證明這條路線的難度並不受影響。

I immediately started working "Biographie" again by alternating with days on other routes and at other crags (Entraygues). It's important for motivation, so you don't get saturated. And voila! On the 15th of August it got done!!! Physically I still had something left, mentally I was focused and relaxed, and voila! I got it.

Petzl : How many attempts did it take?
Enzo : I must have put in at least forty. I sent the first part at least 25 times.

Petzl : What were you feeling when you clipped that anchor?
Enzo : It was a real feeling of happiness and also true freedom since this is the route I've worked the most, it's my first 9a+. It really demanded a lot of work and motivation. When you work a route for a long time, it generates a lot of stress, and getting it releases all that pressure!!!

Petzl : Did you do any specific training?
Enzo : Not really, but working and sending "Victima Perez" at Margalef really helped me. It's the same style: super endurance with no big rest.
(答):說不上是訓練。在Margalef的「Victima Perez」」(路線)有相同的攀登風格:超凡的耐力且沒有可供休息的大點,完成這路線確實讓我獲益良多。

Petzl :  The day you sent it, were there a lot of people there to encourage you?
Enzo : It's true that there were about 30 people on the ground, but it was cool; it didn't bother me. When I make an attempt, I isolate myself. I get into my bubble, and I ignore everything except the next move. I have to concentrate to the max.

Petzl : So, you're number what to have done Biographie?
Enzo : I must be the seventh person (after Chris, Sylvain, Patxi, Dave, Ethan and Ramon).

Petzl :  Ceuse ?
Enzo : It's really a huge crag, with so many beautiful routes, and they should all be done. It's also one of the advantages of Biographie that you can also do other routes next to it to relax and stay motivated!

Petzl : What projects do you have now?
Enzo : I'm planning to have a pretty intense year of climbing. I'm super psyched to try Papi Chullo 9a+ at Oliana, and there are lots of new routes to do at Margalef this winter. This fall I'm looking for a window to go to Frankenjura. I've got to get on Action Directe 9a and Shangri La 8c+.
I'm continuing my schooling by correspondence with the CNED. I'm starting my second year! But I'm really going to increase my climbing this year. I'm also planning a good month at Bleau to do a ton of bouldering. That's also part of my climbing. With bouldering, I know I'll have problems with my reach and that I'll have to forget about some moves, but that's ok. Also, tomorrow I'm going back up to Grand Sablat for a few days. It's a crazy site, and it's cool up there with the altitude. The view over the Meije is amazing. I'll also be part of the Petzl Roc Trip in Mexico!!
(答):我正規劃有著忙於攀岩的一年。個人非常嚮往嘗試在Oloana的「PApi Chullo」(9a+),而Margalef在這個冬天也開發了許多新路線。我希望能在這秋天有機會能造訪Frankenjura,並著手攀登「Action Directe」(9a)以及[Shangri La](8c+)。我也藉由遠距教學來進行我在CNED第二年的課程。但今年我真的想增加攀岩量。我也想在楓丹白露好好花上一整個月的時間磨練抱石技巧,抱石也是我攀登的要項之一。藉由抱石,我發現我在延展(reach)方面的問題,並且修正掉幾個姿勢。而我明天就要返回Grand Sablat停留幾天,那實在是個瘋狂的攀岩妙處,在高海拔觸還能俯望整個Meije。當然,我也會參加Petzl在墨西哥的「Roc Trip」攀岩計畫。

Petzl : Do you put up routes?
Enzo : It's something I'm really interested in, but I don't have any experience yet. I dream of finding new crags with nice lines. I'm not that motivated to put up connections on crags that are already full.

Petzl :  How important are grades for you?
Enzo : I find the grades quite good overall. What's most important is the real difficulty of the moves, the effort I'll need to send it. I know that Shangri La is going to be very difficult for me, and that's what motivates me to go.
(答):不錯。重點在於關鍵動作的難度,以及完成它所需耗費的努力。我知道Shangri La對我來說會很困難,而這就是驅使我去嘗試的誘因。

Petzl : Your future in climbing?
Enzo : I want to do it as much as possible and maybe make a living from it for a while. I still haven't decided on my future career.

Petzl :  Which climbers do you admire the most?
Enzo : Alex Huber, Dave Graham, Chris Sharma, Daniel Woods and Ty Landman (I've just seen his "Between the trees" video. It's incredible, he conquered the forest in a month; only "The Island" held him off.
(答):Alex Huber, Dave Graham, Chris Sharma, Daniel Woods以及Ty Landman (我剛看完他的「Between the trees」影片)。那影片真是太棒了,雖然「The Island」讓他花費較多時間,他還是在一個月內完成那片樹林裡的路線。

Petzl : Competitions?
Enzo : I do them a bit from time to time. Next year I'm planning to enter a few "Open" comps to see what happens!

Petzl : Besides climbing?
Enzo : I hang out with my friends, I read a lot, and I spend time on the computer! I mostly listen to music, lots of rock, but also everything else (except for French pop!). Now : "Nothing else matters" Metallica, "Next Episode" Dr. Dre et "How we do" de Mount Sims.
(答):跟我的朋友在一起,閱讀、玩電腦。我很喜歡聽音樂,尤其是搖滾樂,基本上除了法式流行樂以外,我什麼都聽。現在最喜歡的是Metallica的「Nothing else matters」、Dr. Dre的「Next Episode」跟Mount Sims的「How we do」。

