2011年12月20日 星期二

House No. 5

This is where the magic happens.

Plassey House 5

In my first few days in Plassey, I kept wondering what kinds of house-mates would I have. Maybe there will be some optimistic Irish young lads, so we can have party every night; or we may have some Japaneses, Koreans, knowing each other cultures but not well, so that we can have to chance to correct our stereotypes on the heterogeneous Asian cultures. We may have some spooky European teens with their piercings and flamboyant hair colors. The whole year ahead is full of anticipation and expectations.

Out of my expectation, only one of my house mates is Irish. Five of them come from the North America, three Americans and two Canadians, and the other is from China.

Aaron is the first guy I met in the house. When he went into the house, I heard the noise and ran out to welcome him (Oh yeah, first house mate!). He is very talkative and humorous, and his humor always reminds me of Chandler who is sarcastic sometimes in Friends. Wherever Aaron is, people won't feel bored. People like him could be frivolous, while I found him has mature aspects in his personality. He knows people around him and also possesses precise observation of things happening around. What's more, Aaron is a decent chef. His mashed potatoes and fried sausages impressed me a lot. With simple seasoning, he can make a quite unforgettable meal.

Sarah (right)
Sarah is my second house mate, a miserable one. She arrived UL at 1 am, and she had to drag all her suitcases and exhausted body around the campus. Her curly hairs impresses me because its the first time I think the hair style suits woman. Although she is a political science major, she doesn't make the scene political. She is quite friendly and even demure sometimes. I lnow she keeps a cat, and she is indeed a cat lady. While cooking meals, she licks off the sauce dripping on her hand sometime. The feline posture is as light and subtle as the cat's steps. What's more, she is good at answering my stupid questions, such as "Can I eat the red wax around the cheese?" or "How should I cut the potatoes? into slice or dice?," etc. To pay her my respect and thankfulness, I call her "Sarah the Wise" sometimes.

The first impression Meagan gave me was a 'silly sister' (which means a straightforward, simple personality in Chinese, a complimentary word). With her direct characteristic and 175cm figure, she is actually like the manager in the house. She usually says: "I think we should ...." She organizes or helps to organize many household chores. Some people may call her bossy, but she does do a lot for the house. If she sees something she's never tried before when I am cooking dinner, she always says: "Can I have some?"

Tara (right)
Tara is like a little girl to me (maybe because she is little~). Although she complains a lot, but she is actually as cute as my youngest sister. Tara always has smile on her face. She keeps laughing whenever interesting thing happens. BTW, never let her know where the chocolate is, she will eat them all!

Doug is a cool guy, a constant gym-goer and an independent traveler. we talked a lot about travel and politics sometimes. Don't judge a man by his well-developed muscle! Doug is actually a guy with subtle mind and thinking. Every time I see him in kitchen, I am always surprised by his cooking. Seriously, I have though about stealing his food sometimes. It just smells delicious!
P.S.: He is a horse.

沒想過有天我會跟中國人在同個屋簷下生活。出國之前,想到可能會在海外遇到中國學生,心裡的想法總是先從政治議題切入之後再轉入情感層次。霍是CS(Computer Science)主修,非常純樸、踏實的一個人。來自長春,講話十分直接而且總是眉飛色舞。Sarah說他是「最友善的人」,形容的完全沒錯。在Aaron的影響之下,他也開始學用FB,想著去美國念PhD。希望他能夠跟下學期的美國、加拿大室友和平相處。

I have never though about living with a Chinese guy before. Before I left Taiwan, I always think the Chinese issue in a more political aspect. Huo is a Computer Science major from Chang-Chun, a city from North-east China. Everybody in the house love his manners of expression, full of sincerity and vitality. Under Aaron's influence, he starts to use FB and talk about his plan to obtain a PhD degree in the states. Huo will stay in Plassey with the Irish girl for the next semester. Hope everything goess well with him.


